By Siti Halmia Manajemen Kepariwisataan Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar PLANNING DESTINATION WAKATOBI “THE CONCEPT OF LOCAL COMMUNITY-BASED TOURISM” In essence, planning is determining a primary goal along with ways to determine the purpose. So in Tourism planning is needed to develop a tourist attraction. Because in tourism planning can not be separated from all aspects related to tourism, thus the tourism planning covers all tourism-related networks are diantarnya are: 1. Among the government, (vertically or horizontally). 2. The tourism business. 3. The general public. So planning tourism destinations will I take is Wakatobi. sperti, we know Wakatobi is a district made up of four islands. as the name suggests, namely, Wangi-scented, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko. Wakatobi is very well known by the Wakatobi National Park, which has underwater beauty. However, not only the beauty of the underwater course, Wakatobi also has some cul...
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